Legal notice

Legal notice

Bon Pasta GmbH
Eugen-Richter-Straße 27
99085 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 (0)361 / 59 733 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)361 / 59 733 - 12


Managing director authorised to represent the company:
Christoph Müller, Michael Molsberger, Olaf Richtscheid

Register court: Local court Jena
Registration number: HRB 108283

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE150096088

Tax no.: 119/110/07578
GLN no.: 4013159 00 000 1

Responsible for content: Christoph Müller

Dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at:
You can find our e-mail address in the imprint above.

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Photo credits:
Some photos are from the Adobe Stock image database:
Home Slider: image 1 background [©5second], image 1 spaghetti [©NilsZ], image 1 single noodles [©Agnes].
Home Clever programme: Fussili [©womue], Pasta in a jar [©sumnersgraphicsinc], Spaghetti [©Racle Fotodesign].
Home From field to plate: top left [©TTstudio], top right [©Nailia Schwarz], middle left [©romaset], middle right [©Gina Sanders], bottom left [©photocrew], bottom right [©Yummy pic], factory middle [©Anthonycz], arrows [©Fiedels].
Home Parallax: Background [©CaptureAndCompose], Spoon [©volff] | Home Contact: Spaghetti [©chatchawan], Single noodles [©Agnes].
About Us: Map of Europe [©ii-graphics], Arrows [©Fiedels] | Company Chronicle: Hist. Film Background [©Artem Shadrin] | Quality & Environment: Photo right [©trotzolga] | Pasta shapes: Photo right [©fotofabrika]
Footer single noodles [©Agnes]
Download: Stephan Bonkowski - portweb

All other images are from the portfolio of Bon Pasta GmbH.
Photographer: Mathias Fugmann Instagram

Conception and programming of the website:

Important notice

On the Internet on the pages

falsely advertises with the name of our company for products that have nothing to do with our business.

On this page, data of our company, such as name, address, tax number, trade register number and the name of our managing director are used illegally.

The contact details given there are false.

We ask you not to enter into any business relations of any kind with this false company!

Your team of Bon Pasta GmbH